Thursday, March 6, 2008

Update Clamav Antivirus on Fedora Core 3

Here is some steps to update your clamav Antivirus instalation, you can download the latest clamav engine from official site (

1. Stop service freshclam dan clamd
#service clamd stop
#service freshclam stop

2. Remove any library used in previous clamav instalation
#rm -f /usr/local/lib/*clam*

3. Install clamav intself, usually i'm using tar ball package and install it on default location. But i've already customize my clamav init script (/etc/init.d/clamd)
#make isntall

4. For user using qmail-scanner, follow this step
#setuidgid qscand /var/qmail/bin/ -z or
#setuidgid qscand /var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue -z

5. For those who is using simscan, follow this step
#/var/qmail/bin/simscanmk -g

6. Start clamd and freshclam service again
#service clamd start
#service freshclam start

It's all done, your system is now using the latest clamav core engine

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